About CAMS

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New South Carolina Law Allows Virtual Meetings for HOAs and Condos
In a follow up to a recent article, House Bill 4049 has now passed both the SC House and the Senate and was signed into law on Friday, May 19, 2023, by the governor.In short, the new law will open the...
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Things to Consider When Forming Your HOA's Emergency Plan
Forming an emergency plan is essential for all community associations. Having a comprehensive plan will keep you ahead of the curve and allow board members to rest assured that all aspects of the asso...
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Does Your HOA Management Company Get an A+ in Communication?
Communication is key in any successful relationship, including communicating with your homeowners’ association (HOA) management company. Keeping open lines of communication between all parties i...
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Tips for Running a Successful Community Association Meeting
Have you volunteered to sit on your community’s board of directors? If so, chances are you understand how exhausting meetings can get. Nevertheless, meetings are necessary to take care of the as...
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Nine Reasons Partner Banks Benefit CAMS’ Clients
As a board member of your homeowner’s association (HOA), you want to ensure that the financial decisions made on the community’s behalf are secure and efficient. Working with Community Ass...
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Are you Following Robert's Rules at Your Community Association Meetings?
If you're a board member of a community association, it's important that you familiarize yourself with and follow Robert’s Rules of Order. This article will give you some background info...
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Term Expirations & Board Resignations: What Your Association Must Know
Your home is your castle, and each homeowner’s goal is ultimately to live in harmony and to be confident that your largest investment will maintain its value. Buyers seek out well-maintained and...
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Five Reasons to Consider Running for your HOA Board
Do you ever find yourself wondering how your community association (sometimes called homeowner’s association or HOA) works? Who makes the decisions about what happens in your community? The answ...
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Effects of Inflation on HOAs and Ways to Navigate the Increased Costs
Everyone is feeling the effects of higher inflation these days, and community associations are no exception. Everything seems to be getting more expensive, from increases in utility bills to the price...
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Ready to Drop a Check in the Mail? Read This First.
If you've ordered anything online recently, you've probably noticed it has taken a bit longer to arrive than usual (what happened to Amazon's two-day delivery guarantee?). Many factors hav...

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